วันอังคารที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

The End

Graffiti isn't just paintings on the walls, Graffiti is why people want to paint on walls.

Last fieldwork?

On Saturday I went to Meen Buri with my client to take pictures. My client said that he has just found a new abandoned building. He has painted there for a couple times. He has been painting graffiti for just a year with his friends. He's from DMC crew.

Last preparing

Banksy, is a nickname for a british graffiti artist. His works are satricical street art using stencing technique. 
One of Banksy's work.

As Aj. Piyatat said he is one of the biggest graffiti artist that dominants and influences works of the world's graffiti. Also Jean Basquiat. a neo-expression kind of graffiti
One of Jean Basquiat's work.

Also I found a web for graffit in Thailand too.

I managed to find a client who is interested for me to take his pictures while he's graffiting.
From this website.


First pitch after getting topic

I waited for almost 2 hours in class before I could pitch Aj. Piyatat how has my project succeeded. He asked me about how much have I researched by asking names of Graffitists like Banksy and Jean-Michel Basquiat.
And he asked for pictures of painters spraying color on the walls. All the pictures I taken seems good to him
Just need more research and stuff. Wish I had one more week for this.

Second Tour In BKK

I was preparing to pitch Aj. Piyatat on the next class so I had to get more pictures. I travel by BTS along Sukumvit line to get more pictures from a different place.

As I started my journey
I saw this building from the BTS

I quickly traveled by foot to it.

The building graphics look like other similiar work around, unreadable colorful text. But I accidently see this:

This picture describes a opinion of the writer. Graffiti isn't just stupid colorful letters for me anymore.

These graffiti signifies the painters opinion in form of arts and words. 

First Tour Around BKK

After I selected my topic I started traveling around my home place to get pictures of graffiti the first picture is 
from the bus I travelled.

First Picture from 147 bus
It was a nice starting for that day. I took every single graffiti picture I could including on telephone booths plain walls. etc. Completely everywhere.

Telephone Booth

On Cars

I found another nice one painted on the cars.
I asked the owner how long has it been on
he said about 2-3 years ago.

These are the best graffiti pictures I took today.

Nicest one today

วันจันทร์ที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Final Solo project decision.

We went to Aj. Piyatat's gallery. Two weeks after he has given us time to think about our final project. I haven't decided yet. Well I couldn't decided because I had many topics came into my mind but I couldn't stay with it. I spend time sitting listening to Aj. Piyatat's nice old recorder. Then suddenly a flow of images came into my mind. I walked up and told Aj. Piyatat that my topic for the final project is "Graffiti". Aj. Piyatat requested me to get pictures of people who spray graffiti on the walls. First I didn't think it was going to be a difficult topic because graffiti can be seen everywhere in Bangkok.